Category Archives: Linux

This category describes Linux related question and it is designed to be used by Suse and Ubuntu users

Increasing the size of /tmp

If you reach the limit of /tmp, an easy was to fix this is to create a symbolic link and to map /tmp to a partition with more space. 1. Quit all running applications 2. Become super user: #su – root 3. Delete the content from /tmp: #rm -r /tmp 4. Create the symbolic link: # ln… Read More »

Enable Apache 2 modules in OpenSuSE 11

OpenSuSE 11 has a strange and funny way for loading the modules. If you try to load modules by modifying an .conf file, you will be surprised when you will realize that at the restart, your change will be lost. You have two options: 1. Load that modules only when you need it, in a custom… Read More »

Apache mod_rewrite and OpenSuSE 11

If you have OpenSuSE 11, you will have a big surprise when you try to use mod_rewrite. You will not find any mod_rewrite. The only think you must do is to activate mod_rewrite with the following command: # a2enmod rewrite # rcapache2 restart

Configure SMTP server for Sendmail

If you want to set up the default SMTP server for Linux you have to go to YaST2: YaST2 -> Network services -> Mail Transfer Agent -> Standard -> Permanent -> your outgoing smtp server (use Masquerading to mask your local machine, use Authentification for authentification purpose) -> Finish

Test sendmail

If you want to test send mail you must use the following command: /usr/sbin/sendmail  -bv  -oL10 After that you must check your root’s mail with mail program or mutt.

Decompress .tar.gz files

For ungziping you must run the following command. This command will replace the .gz file with a .tar file gzip -drv phpbb-platinum-0.5beta.tar.gz After that, you must run the following command: tar -xvf phpbb-platinum-0.5beta.tar That’s it.