Passing TOGAF exam

By | January 20, 2015

There are two levels to certification, denoted Level 1 and Level 2. Level 2 contains the learning requirements for Level 1.

Certification to Level 1 is known as TOGAF 9 Foundation. Certification to Level 2 is known as TOGAF 9 Certified.

If you decide to do both Level 1 and Level 2 combined , there are 2 parts to the certification exam. Both parts must be cleared to pass the certification exam.

Part 1 is simple multiple choice format : Pass mark 55% (22 or more points out of a maximum of 40)

Part 2 comprises of 8 complex scenario questions, with gradient scoring : Pass mark 60% (24 or more points out of a maximum of 40) . For each scenario based question there are 4 choices. The correct answer scores 5 points, the second best answer 3 points, the third best answer 1 point. The incorrect scores 0 points.

Reading the TOGAF Book

First, read the TOGAF v9 book, available here:

The first exam is really about how much of the TOGAF materials you can memorize. The book is the best source for this information but you really must read the entire book, not just parts. The exam references specific pieces and examples from the different sections of the book.

Understand All ADM Phase Objectives

A lot of the questions on the exam had to do with choosing which of the answers was not included as an objective of a particular Phase of the ADM (Architecture Development Method).

Taking a Practice Exam

Use the practice tests from the study guide. You can find additional exams at